Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Antoine-Augustin Touttée

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From volume 15 of the work.

107371Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Antoine-Augustin TouttéeMichael Ott

A French Benedictine of the Maurist Congregation, b. at Riom, Department of Puy-de-Dôme, 13 Dec., 1677; d. at the Abbey of St. Germain-des-Prés, 25 Dec., 1718. He studied the humanities with the Oratorians at Riom, made vows at the Abbey of Vendôme, 29 Oct., 1698, and was ordained priest in December, 1702. He taught philosophy at Vendôme from 1702 to 1704 and theology at St-Benoît-sur-Loire from 1704-1708 and at St-Denis from 1708 to 1712. He then withdrew to St-Germain-des-Prés to prepare a new Greek edition and Latin translation of the works of St. Cyril of Jerusalem. This was issued after his death by Prudent Maran under the title: "S. Cyrilli Hiersolymit. opera quae extant omnia et ejus nomine circumferunter; ad mss. codd. castigata" (Paris, 1720; also in P.G., XXXIII). It is preceded by three learned dissertations on the life, writings, and doctrine of St. Cyril, and was at the time the standard edition.

TASSIN, Hist. litteraire de la congreg. de Saint-Maur (Brussels and Paris, 1770); German tr. (Frankfort, 1773-4), s.v.; LE CERF, Bibliotheque historique et critique des auteurs de la congreg. de Saint-Maur (The Hague, 1720), s.v.